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    2024-09-24  来源:   编辑:王  浏览:





















    [1]Gang Wang, Quancheng Shu, Jinzhi Sun, Yucan Liu, Xiaoyong Yang, Hao Lin, Jing Ding, Yanxiang Zhang, Lijuan Lan, Hongwei Sun. Characteristics of acidic hydrothermal treatment for disintegration of spiramycin fermentation residue and degradation of residual antibiotics.Bioresource Technology409 (2024) 131234.

    [2]Jinzhi Sun, Quancheng Shu, Hongwei Sun, Yucan Liu, Xiaoyong Yang, Yanxiang Zhang,Gang Wang. High-Performance Macroporous Free-Standing Microbial Fuel Cell Anode Derived from Grape for Efficient Power Generation and Brewery Wastewater Treatment.Molecules(2024), 29, 2936.

    [3]Gang Wang, Quancheng Shu, Yuliang Zhu, Yucan Liu, Xiaoyong Yang, Daishun Wu, Hongwei Sun. Enhanced disintegration mechanism of surplus activated sludge to improve dewatering by thermally activated persulfate oxidation under mild temperature.Environmental Science and Pollution Research30(48) (2023) 106687-106697.

    [4]Xuesong Hui, Wenjun Fang,Gang Wang, Huiling Liu, Xiaohu Dai. Waste recycling of antibiotic mycelial residue: The feasible harmless treatment and source control of antibiotic resistance.Journal of Cleaner Production401 (2023) 136786.

    [5]Jinzhi Sun,Gang Wang, Huiling Liu, Yanxiang Zhang, Hongwei Sun, Xiaohu Dai. Influence of thermally activated peroxodisulfate pretreatment on gaseous emission, dissolved organic matter and maturity evolution during spiramycin fermentation residue composting.Bioresource Technology363 (2022) 127964.

    [6]Jinhong Xiao,Gang Wang, Huiling Liu, Xiaohu Dai. Application of composted lipstatin fermentation residue as organic fertilizer: Temporal changes in soil characteristics and bacterial community.Chemosphere306 (2022) 135637.

    [7]Gang Wang, Huiling Liu, Picheng Gong, Jing Wang, Xiaohu Dai, Peng Wang. Insight into the evolution of antibiotic resistance genes and microbial community during spiramycin fermentation residue composting process after thermally activated peroxydisulfate pretreatment.Journal of Hazardous Materials(2022) 424 127287.

    [8]Gang Wang, Huiling Liu, Jing Wang, Picheng Gong, Chen Cai, Xiaohu Dai, Peng Wang. Pretreatment of spiramycin fermentation residue by thermally activated peroxydisulfate for improving biodegradability: Insights into matrix disintegration and antibiotics degradation.Chemical Engineering Journal(2022) 427 130973.

    [9]Gang Wang, Peng Wang, Huiling Liu, Jing Wang; Xiaohu Dai, Yanjun Xin. Degradation of spiramycin by thermally activated peroxydisulfate: Kinetics study, oxidation products and acute toxicity.Chemical Engineering Journal(2021) 408 130973.

    10.Gang Wang, Qingzhe Zhang, Qinghua Chen, Xiaohan Ma, Yanjun Xin, Xiangwei Zhu, Dong Ma, Chunyue Cui, Jiao Zhang, Zhou Xiao. Photocatalytic degradation performance and mechanism of dibutyl phthalate by graphene/TiO2nanotube array photoelectrodes.Chemical Engineering Journal358 (2019) 1083-1090.

    [11]Gang Wang, Qinghua Chen, Yongping Liu, Dong Ma, Yanjun Xin, Xiaohan Ma, Xinwang Zhang. In situ synthesis of graphene/WO3co-decorated TiO2nanotube array photoelectrodes with enhanced photocatalytic activity and degradation mechanism for dimethyl phthalate.Chemical Engineering Journal337 (2018) 322-332.

    [12]Yanjun Xin,Gang Wang, Yongping Liu, Zhilin Zang, Mengchun Gao. Effect of WO3on the morphology and dimethyl phthalate photodegradation performance of TiO2nanotube array photoelectrode.Environmental Protection Engineering44 (2018) 4 129-139.

    [13]Yanjun Xin,Gang Wang, Xiangwei Zhu, Mengchun Gao, Yongping Liu, Qinghua Chen. Photodegradation performance and mechanism of 4-nonylphenol by WO3/TiO2and TiO2nanotube array photoelectrodes.Environmental Technology38 (2017) 1290143.

    [14]Gang Wang, Qinghua Chen, Yanjun Xin, Yongping Liu, Zhilin Zang, Chunguang Hu, Bin Zhang. Construction of graphene-WO3/TiO2nanotube array photoelectrodes and its enhanced performance for photocatalytic degradation of dimethyl phthalate.Electrochimica Acta222 (2016) :1903-1913.

    [15]胡梦娜,惠雪松,王港,刘惠玲,戴晓虎. 9-羟基雄烯二酮药物菌渣好氧堆肥无害化及安全利用[J].农业环境科学学报, 2023, 42(09): 2096-2107.

    [16]苟恩芳,王港,程祥明,张岩香,刘惠玲.泰妙菌渣肥制备及其对土壤的影响[J].环境保护科学, 2018, 44(06): 96-102+111.

    [17]胡春光,王港,辛言君. 微弧氧化法制备WO3/TiO2光电极及光催化性能究[J].水处理技术, 2015, 41(07): 37-39+44.

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